Sometimes I feel like people don't like me cause I'm transexual I mean they laugh and giggle I feel kindle funny cause I'm trying to be strong and stick my head up but I can't because even if you do you still feel bad in the inside I'm just trying to be myself I started wearing girl clothing to school and I've just gotten such mean comments and is horrible for me cause I thought they were gonna be supportive and suprise but there so mean even my OWN FRIENDS I'm not friends with Inyone this year I'm too myself a lot don't bother others but there bothering me I've went to supportive groups to meet other transgenders but that doesn't change the fact that I'm getting bullied and I'm tired of it I did nothing hurtful to inybody why would I be treated like this even people are copying my voice and my makeup I'm kindle a ugly transexual sorry I'm picking on myself but is true would should I do?
См. статью: Do people like me confused?