Thursday, July 4, 2013

When will my rabbit kindle? Quick responses would be greatly appreciated?

My Holland Lop has been pregnant for 4 to 5 weeks and she is due any time now. We have seen the babies moving in her stomach an we believe they are getting into position. She has a somewhat nest and has very developed teats. She is always cleaning herself, and is constantly laying on her side looking very uncomfortable. This is the first time one of our bunnies are pregnant, so we have never experienced this before. The hair on her chest is VERY easy to pull out, but threatens us when we try.
We have asked many questions, but no one seems to get the main idea. WHEN DO YOU THINK SHE WILL KINDLE? You will obviously not know exactly, but roughly. Like is she in early labor? What are the signs of that?
Quick responses would be nice. Thanks

См. статью: When will my rabbit kindle? Quick responses would be greatly appreciated?