Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How can my husband see everything I look at on facebook?

My husband has some sort of way to know exactly what I've looked at on facebook and when. He says he cannot tell which device I viewed it on, laptop, kindle or phone, only that he can see everywhere I went. He has my password to FB, but apparently he also wants to check up on what I'm viewing. I need the technical answer because he won't tell me, and I am tired of feeling like the Gestapo are watching everything I do. Please don't respond with how crazy, controlling, manipulative and creepy this behavior is. I already know all that, I just need to know how to stop it. Thanks!
Added (1). He is not just seeing anything I comment, post, like, etc. He can see actual things I look at… for instance, if I look at someone's profile, he knows whose it was and when I looked at it, even if I did nothing on the page but view it.
Added (2). And also, he can tell me whose profile I viewed at what time of day… he is not able to tell where I viewed. For example, he could say, "I know you looked at Sally's pictures at 11:27 last night" but is not able to say whether I did it from the kindle, phone or laptop. I assume he has some sort of spyware app on my facebook account, but I don't know what to look for or how to turn it off.
Added (3). It wasn't Trakzor. I thought about a keylogger, but would that also work on the kindle or phone? I know he can see that stuff too. If it were a keylogger that would work on all three devices, could he see what I saw, just not which device I used to view it?

См. статью: How can my husband see everything I look at on facebook?