Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Amish books-have you heard of this publishing trend?

My library is getting more and more amish books--romance/family novels with bonnet-wearing young women on the covers (never hunky Plain guys with them--just the women, alone.) And they're mostly ebooks. (Which confuses me a bit--do Amish people have lots of kindles?) Does anyone know about this trend, has read an article about this trend from either the publishing or academic/sociological perspective? Are there enough Amish and Menonites buying books to make this a going concern? Has anyone here read one? Is the appeal nostalgia, or ??? I'm confused.
Added (1). Thanks, both, and dude for the insider's view.As I'm continuing to read, I'm finding a lot of reports of offense on the part of the Amish community about them. I did find a good article at Salon, quite a serious look into it. I guess I'm behind the times; these have been out since 1997!
Added (2).
The most surprising thing to me was a publisher saying: if we put a woman in a bonnet on the cover, it doubles our sales. Wow. doesn't have to be Amish either, a bonnet-wearing historical woman on the cover will sell copies--lots of copies. These are profitable books.

См. статью: Amish books-have you heard of this publishing trend?