My mom, dad, and brother constinly but themselves objects like toys, games and gadgets. They will take a month break on buying things every now and then. Well this month my dad bought me a new game system and my mom gave me a guilt looking look when she saw it like why is he waisting computer went down so he bought me a new one and also himself.My mom was mad that he bought himself one. Now i bought her a new kindle sense hers broke and she doesnt even know it yet and i just feel like i am the only one that cant buy anything or get anything for myself. The past year all i have bought for myself is soap and deoderant and ONE box of cookies, so that under 200 dollars the past 1 /12 years. While they can spend thousands on themseelves and feel no remorse.So i may have my dad take back my game system and new computer so i dont feel like im the one making everyone jealous.
What should i do and is this right to feel this way?
См. статью: Is it normal to feel like this?