Friday, March 8, 2013

How to tell my ex husband he is being rude and disrespectful towards me?

My husband and i split just over a year ago. We ran pubs together my day usually started at 7 am with the kids and between running the pub and looking after the kids i was on the go until 1 am 7 days a week while he sat in our flat upstairs reading his kindle not doing and house work or doing anything with the pub or the kids. Whenever i asked for help he used to kick off with me and start shouting and screaming at the kids. He also smoked cannabis which i never approved of and i used to beg him to stop Anyway he eventually bullied me out by turning staff against me and his friends. I left on my birthday. I booked a day off for my birthday last year first thing in the morning i got up and packed myself and my kids up and disappeared out for the day to have fun with my children. I returned late i had been out with my parents they had agreed to take the children overnight so i could go out with friends.when i returned some members of staff had stayed and all his friends were round he'd told them lies about me and not one person would talk to me so i went upstairs to bed the next day this carried on so i packed up and left him. He wouldn't leave himself and he wouldn't let me take anything but our clothes.when i left him i had nothing.No home no job no furniture. 6 weeks later after living with my parents i moved into a rented house I was given grants for furniture and help with the bond. I had to sign on to income support to get the help but i intended on finding a job as soon as we were settled.
4 days after i moved into my own place he reported me for benefit fraud repeatedly. The fraud squad were constantly banging on the door asking me to sign stuff. They said they would leave me alone if i got a the current situation its not easy to find one specially in my line of work so i asked my ex for a job in his bar. A few of his friends had told him he was out of order for what he did to me. He got a new GF she seemed nice but as i got to know her more i found her children were on the protection register because she was an alcoholic i went into work one morning to find he had beaten one of her kids he had bruises all up his arms his GF said nothing to him.i was mortified i confided in a friend she reported it to social services her children were taken from her and put into care he was being investigated by the police he demanded ss do a full investigation on me he said he wanted the children taken from me.My investigation went well the ss workers seemed nice and more like friends they saw me to be a good mother it was dropped. I now have a BF he has is own business and is good to my kids and spoils me. We've had allot of problems but i love him and i am happy. Now yet again he is trying to turn people against me i know he hates the fact that i have landed on my feet. I am well liked in the pub and i have allot of friends.there is a group of 3 men in the pub them and my ex stand in the corner while im working whispering about me and giggling i have to go in the back and laugh about the patheticness of them as it is really childish and i know everyone else there likes me he's just found a small group that doesn't they try disgrace me in the pub all the time but i never do or say anything that cannot be justified so they can never get the better of me. When they get drunk they scream and hurl abuse at me and my ex just lets them i am looking for other jobs but i have not found one as of yet i refuse to go back on benefits i enjoy my job i like the people and they like me. How do i tell my ex he's being disrespectful to the mother of his kids?

См. статью: How to tell my ex husband he is being rude and disrespectful towards me?