Sunday, March 17, 2013

How is everyone affording smartphones?

Hey everyone! Whenever i go to school, i always see most everyone (but not all) holding a smartphone, and i just don't get it. The poor people (not trying to be rude, but just stating a fact) even have them.My family is middle class, not doing terrific but still able to pay the bills and have limited luxury items. The thing is, i dont really ask for much.My one "prized posession" is my ipod shuffle. The only thing i will only BEG my parents for are animals, because i am such an animal freak! Which i have been blessed with 3 dogs and a cat that died, so they allowed me to get another one.sorry off topic. Anyway, my dad has an Iphone 4s and my mom has a blackberry. I have a free phone ( although my parents pay $18 a month for it, which seems way to overprice for the phone) around a year ago, me and my 16 y/o bro got the same phone, an LG cosmos. Which, i was very greatful for. But my brother breaks everything my parents give him ( he has a nice laptop, will, x-box, playstatio, has had 5 different ipods, flat screen tv in room, and much more stuff then i do) and broke his LG cosmos in a matter of seconds, so i was FORCED to give him mine, so i had to convert to the stupidist phone ever, my old phone that is scratched and horrible (not my fault) that i had when i was 8 as an emergency phone, which i was still greatful for even though i couldnt use it. Anyway our 2 year contract expiers in like a year, and im stuck with this phone.As i said, i dont ask for much, and am highly interested in a smartphone with unlimited data. I really do not want to come off as a complaining spoiled brat, because i am so thankful i even have a phone and that my parents pay the bill! It's just i am super interested in having one, but verizon is so expensive! i can't switch phone companies because of where we live.i can't work because im 14 (girl btw..) and my brother does work but he spends his money on stupid crap, and is very able to invest in a smartphone for himself. I can;t babysit and stuff like that because we live in a rual area and my parents would never let me work, and wouldn't pay me for the cleaning and chores i already do, and we already have a family plan; which obviously isn;t working. I am a very good kid with good grades, but they wont get me one after they alrady have one for themselves, which i understand but find it a little..idk. ALSO my mom has a kindle fire HD and my dad has the ipad 4 too. Like they ALWAYS think of themselves first, which i get but they don't really think about some stuff that i might like. I have tried asking it for my b-day and christmas, but they always say no. I just don't get how we cant afford it but poorer people can with the same phone and carrier and plan. I dont know if they are in those programes (which my family would never do) or what, but i just really need an answer, it's driving me crazy.

PS, if you are going to critisize me, then please don't answer. I am not being a brat, im only curious on why i can't get one but alot of others can. I understand that alot of people do not have smart phones, and i am perfectly fine with not having one. I am just merely curious and interested in one. Also, what would be the best plan for me to egt one if i was able to save up (which i know i cant) after the contract is over to get a smartphone with unlimited data and call and text? SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG, THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING!!!

См. статью: How is everyone affording smartphones?