Monday, December 24, 2012

What kind of reaction should I have to this?

My husband and I have had many issues to the point where we are ready to separate already. I have tried my best to stay with him and make things work. Long story short he stopped going to counseling because he did not like what the counselor was saying. He will not allow me to do anything. And yesterday he gave me a present to open early.It was a kindle which I never asked for and even told him I would never want one. Anyway it was in an amazon box so I asked oh you went to amazon to get it. He then says no I got it from someone who STOLE it. I am furious! I no longer want anything to do with him not only because it is stolen but why would you even get you wife the person you supposedly love so much a stolen gift.At this point I do not know what to do
>>> What kind of reaction should I have to this?