I like almost everything about the Sony Xperia tablet S except the price compared to what i can get from other tablets that price. The SD card slot (I've read you can get rather large SD cards in it as long as you format them to FAT32), splash resistance(kids in the house), and picture quality are the main points i like about it.
Kindle fire HD 8.9 looks very promising, but you are limited to amazon only. The screen sounds really nice on it.
Samsung galaxy note 10.1 interested me a ton until i had one in hand at best buy, it was very cheap feeling and the body was flimsy, i could see it bending in my hands with very little pressure. I like the 2gig of ram and I would have some use for the S pen. The front facing speakers are a bonus also, but I've heard their sound quality isnt so hot compared to others.
Asus would be fine, but everyone complains about their quality control. I also don't like the single rear speaker.
Nexus 7 seems just a hair too small.
Nexus 10 is google play only if you want to buy it (i can get a year no interest on every other tablet).
I think I've watched almost every video review out there, and have played with most of them in stores (although the stores usually have crappy wifi and no 3d games to really test them)
Just looking for input from people that own these tablets and see if they are still happy with their purchase.
Movie watching and gaming would be my main uses, I would do a bit of photo editing if i bought the note 10.1 but i can do it on my computer better, but it would be nice to touch things up in the field for previews. The Sony would be safer if the kids grabs it. Asus would be nice if I didn't have to worry about it falling apart. ;) Kindle HD would probably be on it's way to my house now if they didn't block google programs. I only have a handfull of paid apps on my phone, so switching over to the amazon system wouldn't be too rough, but I do use youtube a lot (no youtube on kindle) and amazon doesn't have as many apps. Prime movies sound nice though.
>>> Tablet help! been researching for weeks, still can't decide?