Anyone with any advice … re:
Some publishers like offer 50% of sales (after payment processing fees) via Apple. I hear it's difficult to be accepted by Apple as a direct seller though I understand it's getting easier.
Also once you are signed with a seller for say, Apple, does that mean you can only work with them (ie: Blurb) or can you sell through others, too?
Added (1). I want to be on all of them - Kindle, Nook, etc.but wondering whether to sign with a seller like Blurb who will sell on Apple for you but take a percentage but deal with the technical uploads, etc, and wondering if it's worth it to sign with them AND does it preclude me from signing with another seller for Apple or do I become exclusive to one seller like Blurb and cannot then sell on Apple myself?
>>> EBook Advice? Apple, Kindle, etc?