Thursday, November 22, 2012

Relationship trouble - confused - help!

So, i have been with my girlfriend for 4 years, we met when we were at college, and we have 1 little boy, and another baby on the way.we got our own place together when our first child was born, but she got post natal depression, and it truly did strain our relationship, during this time, i was also on medication, which is known to mess with your brain whilst taking it (champix), and due to the fact we could not get along and i did not feel it was fair for my son see us at eachother throats 24/7 i moved out of the family home and back to my mums, to give us some space from each other, we agreed that it was not the end of our relationship, and we would have little date nights (trying to re-kindle the romance) i still saw my son during this time, and had him every weekend whilst i was away from the partner (unbeknownst to me) had stopped taking her anti depressant for PSD and she would spend her weekends drinking with her friends in the family home (son would be with me at my mums), then one weekend when dropping off my son i noticed that she was being very evasive when i asked her how her weekend was, and i had a gut feeling something was not right, she eventually told me she had gone to a pub looking for one of her friends, but ended up talking to one of my so- called friends, and they had ended up sleeping with eachother (in my bed at the family home), after thinking hard about what i wanted to do after this, i eventually came to the decision to move back to the family home, (i was abandoned by my father at 2 years old and i want my children to have their parents around), but because of what she had done, i was (and still do) find it extremely hard to be 100% commited to the relationship and also i did not feel the same way i once did, this happened last august.just over a year on, not much has changed, i still feel disgusted of what she did, and also i do not think i have forgiven her for it, we still argue, but not as much, and we also are not very sexually active, any sex is always suggested by me, and even then she seems reluctant, also we do not talk much, and she is constantly saying that i am criticizing her, and always telling me she wants more affection from me. i find myself constantly thinking about what my life would be like if i would have not moved back into the relationship, and i seem to be constantly eyeing up other women ( i never used to do this). I want more than anything to be able to be a family, but i just feel like i'm living a lie at the moment. Please can somebody give me some advice?

Also forgot to add, i have heard stories from people who are now not friends with her that she has done stuff like this before (cheating that is),

What would you do if you were in this position?

Thank you in advance.
>>> Relationship trouble - confused - help!