I am moving out into the country and there is only satellite internet available out there. Its pretty fast but they only allow u 2.5 gb per month then ur speed drops down really slow.My husband and i are both students and need access to the internet.i was looking into getting a mobile hot spot like virgin moble or verizon. ( the new walmart version will not work in my area) there is 4g on my iphone out there but i do not want to use the tethering program that Att offer because i do not want to constantly be checking my data usage worrying that i might go over. I would like a pay as u go type thing or a certain price for unlimited data. One of my friends stated that instead of buying the virgin moble hotspot i could by a kindle fire which would be the same price and tether it to get wifi… is this true… and if there is any other type of hotspot that you know of please list them for me.and if anyone has tried virgin mobile hotspot or verizons hotspot please rate it for me thanks!
>>> Can i tether a kindle as a hotspot?