I am going to be going to college this coming year and was going to get either a Kindle Fire or an iPad for my textbooks since eBooks are a lot cheaper.
I was wondering which has a better selection of textbooks for a college student, either the iBooks or the Kindle. I know that obviously with an iPad I could also get the app for Kindle on there as well and have the both of them on it and that would be the best choice.
Money wise I would rather get the Kindle if I can get the majority of books on there because a Kindle Fire is only $200 while an iPad is $500 and I need to get a new laptop so I would rather not spend $500 for an iPad and a lot for a brand new laptop.
So bottom line… which has the best for college textbooks? Kindle or iPad?
>>> Which is better for college textbooks ONLY iBooks or Kindle?