Three days ago, the internet just quit on me.
no devices connect at my house.i can us my phone, because it is connected to a different system.
there is no indication that something is wrong.all lights are on green for both rhouter and modem, and only the cable link light is blinking, but that has always blinked.
i tried resetting, and nothing happened.tried turning it all of and waiting several hours beore turning it baxk on and it got the name and password have been reset (we had it called Thc and now it says "cisco1259" and the password doesnt exost anymore)
I tried resetting and turning off again, and nothing happened.
I do NOT have a working computer, just my ipod, phone, kindle and PS3, so i can NOT do anything like /ipconfig.
any ideas on what may be the problem and how to solve it?
>>> Internet just stopped working?