So my boyfriend bought me a Kindle Fire and I really like it. I always read and actually I just recently bought a new book on it.My debit card information is on it on my Amazon account.So I left it on my kitchen counter, and then when I got home it was gone. I asked my mom and she said she hadn't moved it (usually she moves it onto my bookcase if she's cooking or something), so I looked all over my house and it was nowhere to be found. The only person at my house all day was my 16 year-old brother. I've had an ipod, camera, nintendo ds, games and money magically "disappear" from my room before with no evidence where it went.My mom has also had $60 taken from her purse with him as the only explanation in both instances.My mom searched his room the next day and found nothing, but I'm positive he stole it. When she accused him he got all defensive and called my dad's mom and told her what was going on as if he was outraged. There's no other explanation.My mom doesn't know what to do because she can't find it, but I'm pretty sure he's already sold it. (He always has all of this money with no job). I really want it back but I don't know what to do. I work almost every day for minimum wage and I don't think it's fair that he can just steal from me when he wants something.
Also-about two days before it went missing he bought like $400 worth of stuff online.
Any suggestions?
Added (1). I'm trying to get my Kindle back/make him buy another, not catch him stealing more stuff…
>>> How to prove someone stole something from you?