I've started a blog and it's had over the past seven weeks a new reader on average every hour day and night for seven weeks solid. I've so far, amongst other things, posted two short stories- "Trespassing" and "Speed Bumps". I've also written a few more.
I was thinking about using Amazon Kindle Publishing to put together three short stories in to a collection novelette style e-book, however don't know how much (in English pounds and pence) people would be willing to pay.
Could you have a look at "Trespassing" and "Speed Bumps" at joshuajstories.wordpress.com and then answer how much you would be willing to pay for a collection of three.
Thank you so much!
Added (1). Thanks for taking your time to answer. Those ones are free, but I've got more that I haven't released yet, and thinking that if I have an audience people might be interested. But I was more asking if you would have a look at my blog and see if the length of the short stories are long enough, and how much you would pay for three. (And I'm writing a 300 paged novel too!)
>>> Thinking of publishing a short story collection on Amazon?