My company is doing a contest for employees. I'm of the prizes given away.
Past prizes from previous years were:
2009: Sony Blue-Ray DVD Player, Sony Portable DVD Player, $100.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card & (2) $200.00 JC Penney Gift Cards
2010: Acer Intel Laptop, Sony E Reader (Sony version of a Kindle), & i-Pod Shuffle
2011: Vizio 22" Flat Screen TV, Sony Camcorder/Camera, & Kodak Digital Picture Frame
I want to switch it up a bit this year, but I am not very up-to-date on newer technologies to use for prizes
I am asking for some new suggestions for electronic gadgets as prizes.
There are 3 total prizes and a total budge of $1000 for this year. Thanks in advance.
Added (1). It's a big company and this isn't the first time we've done it, so we are up-to-date on our tax information.
Added (2). Possibly doing a Google Nexus 7 as one of the ideas.(8gb)
>>> Ideas for Employee Contest Prizes?